Understanding what your body may be going through.

How Pregnancy Happens

Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve taken a health class.

Maybe you didn’t pay close attention when you did.

Or maybe you’ve never had it clearly explained to you.

Getting pregnant starts when your ovaries release an egg, sometime between 11-21 days after your cycle begins (Day 1 is the first day of your period). Something to keep in mind is sperm can live in your uterus anywhere from three to five days. If you have sex a few days prior to or when an egg is released (called ovulation) without protection, the sperm can impregnate the egg. When this happens, conception is complete and a baby starts to develop.

While each person’s journey is unique, it’s essential that you believe in yourself and the strength you already possess. Our website will help you connect with caring individuals to explore the options available that will lead you to a positive future, and find the support you need to make the best decision for both you and your baby.

Woman reading pregnancy test
Woman getting ultrasound test.

Pregnancy Resource Center Care

From confirming your pregnancy to getting all the help you’ll need, you’ll have a great resource every step of the way with your local Pregnancy Resource Center. Check out our map page to find a center near you and to discover all of the services they offer.

Potential Signs of Pregnancy

If you’re wondering if you could be pregnant, there are a few signs to look for:

  • Missed period of seven (7) days or more
  • Weird food cravings, especially things you don’t normally like or eat
  • Not wanting foods you normally eat and enjoy
  • Feeling nauseous every day, especially right after you wake up
  • Feeling more tired although you haven’t been really active

If you have any of these, especially together, it’s a good idea to try an at-home pregnancy test. Although they are fairly accurate, these tests aren’t 100% accurate, giving you a false negative. If you received a negative test, but still aren’t feeling like yourself, it’s important to visit a doctor or a Pregnancy Resource Center to confirm if you are pregnant or find out what’s really going on.

If you don’t have a doctor you regularly see or want to keep this quiet until you know for sure, there are places available locally that provide free pregnancy tests and the support you need to make the decision that’s right for you. Any of the Pregnancy Resource Centers we have listed also offer an ultrasound 100% free of charge. You’ll receive a warm, no-questions-asked welcome when you visit any of the centers. They’ll walk you through every part of the process, helping you feel comfortable. The ultrasound helps you know what stage of development the baby is in. Hearing the heartbeat for the first time can be filled with emotions ranging from excitement to worry. The staff is there to help you navigate your emotions and learn more about what your next steps look like. All questions are welcome! Click below to find one near you anywhere in the State of Iowa.

Know you’re pregnant but not sure what to do next? We have a list of pregnancy options along with support and resources for each one. 

Know you’re pregnant but not sure what to do next? We have a list of pregnancy options along with support and resources for each one. 

Where Are You in Your Pregnancy Journey?

Am I Pregnant?

A missed period doesn’t necessarily mean you’re pregnant. Before you start making major life decisions, let’s make sure they’re decisions you actually need to be worrying about.

Pregnancy Decisions

Discovering you are going to have a baby means there are decisions to make and we want to be sure you have all the information you need to make the best decision for you and your preborn baby.


Help doesn’t stop once your baby is born. There is support to help you with the blessing of parenthood, too. We’ll help you find resources from diapers to daycare.

For Him

As the man in the life of this young pregnant woman and preborn baby, you have an important role that needs support, too. We're here to help you find the information you need and help her, too.

Am I Pregnant Icon

Am I Pregnant?

A missed period doesn’t necessarily mean you’re pregnant. Before you start making major life decisions, let’s make sure they’re decisions you actually need to be worrying about.


Pregnancy Decisions Icon

Pregnancy Decisions

Discovering you are going to have a baby means there are decisions to make and we want to be sure you have all the information you need to make the best decision for you and your preborn baby.

Parenthood Icon


Help doesn’t stop once your baby is born. There is support to help you with the blessing of parenthood, too.  We’ll help you find resources from diapers to daycare.

For Him Icon

For Him

As the man in the life of this young pregnant woman and preborn baby, you have an important role that needs support, too. We're here to help you find the information you need and help her, too.