Find Support, Care, and Information for Your Unplanned Pregnancy

Confidential Support Line

Finding Help and Hope in Your Pregnancy Journey

Whether you find yourself facing an unplanned pregnancy or overwhelmed with your newborn, you can feel very stressed and experience a flood of emotions. You may feel alone, scared, and not sure what to do next. We want you to know we’re here for you, to show you the help available to you, and to give you hope for your future. You have an entire community right here in Iowa of compassionate people who care about your well-being and want to help you make the decisions that are right for you, and your preborn baby or newborn.

Even though this baby may be or have been unplanned, it doesn’t mean you don’t deserve love, respect, and the opportunity to make the choices you feel are best for yourself and your baby.

Your pregnancy story is as unique as you are and we want to show you that you have what it takes for this journey! We can’t guarantee an easy path but we can help you find supporters to walk alongside you. We offer resources and support from caring individuals, some of whom have been there themselves. Explore all the options available to you in Iowa that can lead to a positive future for you and your baby.

Comforting embrace after learning there is help.

Where Are You in Your Pregnancy Journey?

Am I Pregnant?

A missed period doesn’t necessarily mean you’re pregnant. Before you start making major life decisions, let’s make sure they’re decisions you actually need to be worrying about.

Pregnancy Decisions

Discovering you are going to have a baby means there are decisions to make and we want to be sure you have all the information you need to make the best decision for you and your preborn baby.


Help doesn’t stop once your baby is born. There is support to help you with the blessing of parenthood, too. We’ll help you find resources from diapers to daycare.

For Him

As the man in the life of this young pregnant woman and preborn baby, you have an important role that needs support, too. We're here to help you find the information you need and help her, too.

Am I Pregnant?

Am I Pregnant?

A missed period doesn’t necessarily mean you’re pregnant. Before you start making major life decisions, let’s make sure they’re decisions you actually need to be worrying about.


  • Signs & How Pregnancy Occurs
  • Taking a Pregnancy Test 
  • Getting an Ultrasound
Pregnancy Support

Pregnancy Decisions

Discovering you are going to have a baby means there are decisions to make and we want to be sure you have all the information you need to make the best decision for you and your preborn baby.


  • Finding Pregnancy Care & Prenatal/Birthing Classes
  • Adoption Options
  • Safe Haven
Parenthood Icon


Help doesn’t stop once your baby is born. There is support to help you with the blessing of parenthood, too.  We’ll help you find resources from diapers to daycare.


  • Finding Baby Supplies & Daycare
  • Financial Support 
  • Counseling & Support After Baby is Born
For Him Icon

For Him

As the man in the life of this young pregnant woman and pre-born baby, you have an important role that needs support, too. We’re here to help you find the information you need and help her too.

  • Resources for You
  • What She’ll Experience
  • How the Baby Grows

Don’t hesitate to connect with our support counselors. We’re here to support you on this journey whether it was planned or unplanned.

Confidential Support Line

Soon-to-be Father, Grandfather, or Uncle?

We want you to feel supported, too. We’ve created a place that’s filled with information you need to know including how to support the pregnant woman in your life.

You’re Not Alone

No matter how you become pregnant, we want you to feel supported and heard in every step you take. If you start to feel lost or alone, we want you to know where and who to turn to. And when you feel like no one has a story like yours, we want you to know there are many right here in Iowa who have made the same pregnancy journey you’re on.